Aruban Police arrest 71,000 Suspects

Sunshine is the key source of vitamin D

Aruba police rounded up 71,920 Arubans who were on the Island at the time in question, basically the entire population, and will shortly arrest all of them en masse in order to avoid the tedium of booking everyone individually. They will be confined to Beach Arrest and will not be able to leave until the investigation is over, which should be by 2012, at which point she will be declared officially dead and the investigation can then turn from a missing person report into a murder case. Then and only then will the full weight and power of Aruban Police work begin in earnest.

The above sarcasm was inspired by the following news report:


Natalee HollowayMay 23, 2006 -- Another suspect in the murder of Natalee Holloway - a croupier who was working at the hotel where she stayed on the night she disappeared - has been arrested only to be set free, sources said.

Guido Wever, 18, is the ninth suspect to be held by police, then let go, since the Alabama 18-year-old disappeared after a night of partying during a end-of-year high-school trip to the Caribbean island a year ago next Tuesday.

aruba travel posterAnd will someone in the Aruba Travel Department please check their website and take this endorsement off their front page [it rotates with other photos, so hit your refresh button if you don't see it right away]. I know some places say you can take their ads literally, but this is ridiculous.

N.B. The photo of the beach at the top of the article is courtesy of BBC News and has nothing to do with Aruba.

### End of my article ###

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