Google search and how did you get here

google search

I check my statcounter logs to see how readers have gotten to any particular blog post of mine.

Interestingly, My post shows up on the top for google search of "Sopranos Episode 77" ahead of even HBO and a number of other sites that have been singing Soprano for years before I did. This will probably change as soon as the episode actually airs. I suppose that having written about a dozen posts on that subject makes one bubble to the top.

My Alicia Machado slideshow (NSFW) also come up as the top google search for alicia machado playboy mexico photos. I have written four posts mentioning Alicia Machado.

My post Mothers expect Damien on 06/06/06 is number seven for google search of 06/06/06 or 06-06-06 or 06:06:06 for that matter.

alicia machado photoBut here's the rub: My post No nude for L'Oreal - Scarlett Johansson is number eleven in a technorati search of scarlett johansson nude and number nine for yahoo for the same search term, yet I'm MIA for a google search for the first 9 pages. I've blogged about Scarlett twice already although I have another two that were published when I had a blogger account. Perhaps I should update them and move them to this blog as well.

And lastly, google has over 1,550,000 results for top ten topless beaches and my topless gallery [definitely NSFW] come in at number nine. Somebody at Google must have seen the photos.

As soon as I figure out how all the search engines work, I will report back to you.

### End of my article ###

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