Bury Zarqawi and Praise him

By Nader Daoud, AP - Zarqawi Mourned by family - may he rot in hell

We should honor Zarqawi in death for the soldier he was in life. Members of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's family gather in a tent in his hometown of Zarqa to mourn the death of the notorious terrorist leader.

The family of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi wants to bury him in his hometown, but Jordan vowed the terror leader who killed Jordanians in a triple hotel bombing would never "stain" the country's soil.

"Everybody must understand that his place must be near his family," he told The Associated Press by telephone Friday. "He is a martyr and should be treated as such." Others in his home town had similar sentiments: "Even if he was a criminal and was killed by the Americans or the Jews, he is considered a martyr," said shop owner Mohammed Hassan al-Najjar.

Recall, this is the clan that officially renounced Zarqawi last year. "We sever links with him until doomsday."

The U.S. military has not revealed where Zarqawi's body is or whether it would be returned to his family for burial, although there is a precedent for returning the bodies of those killed in Iraq to their families. For example, the military returned the bodies of Saddam Hussein's two piglets, Uday and Qusay, to their relatives after they were killed in 2003.

I am opposed to having his body returned to his family. It should be brought to Arlington Cemetery and buried with full honors right behind the public restroom. Family members of loved ones accidentally killed by this Jihadist should be able to urinate knowing that their effluent will be flowing unfiltered over his remains.

But how else can we honor this martyr?

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi urinalOf course, respectful images of Zarqawi should be displayed in our public places with all the honor due him.

I hope that some of our great corporations take the initiative and rename some of their products. For example, Ex-Lax can begin to rebrand their product with the Ex-Zarqawi for when you need to take a really bad Zarqawi.

I ask that my fellow bloggers honor this great soldier's past accomplishments by changing some terms they use when they need to evacuate their bowels. For example, "Whew, I dumped a big Zarqawi this morning. Boy was it really huge and stinky!"

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Gateway-Pundit , Terrorist Website Quotes Democrats to Rally Jihadists,

No surprise, really, KavKaz Center quoted democrats this weekend in urging its radical Islamist followers to carry on with jihad after the death of Zarqawi:

Some Democrats said the death of Zarqawi in Iraq was a stunt to divert attention from a hopeless war and US soldiers' disgraces in Iraq."This is just to cover Bush so he doesn't have to answer" for Iraqi civilians being killed by the U.S. military and his own sagging poll numbers, said Rep. Pete Stark, California Democrat, reported The Washington Times.

tidbits and treasures - , Al-Zarqawi Autopsy Report released,

An autopsy was performed on Al-Zarqawi and his spiritual adviser, Sheik Abdul-Rahman, in order to keep down misinformation and propaganda. It gives them a definitive answer as to the specific cause of death.If you remember, there were reports that U.S. Soldiers were seen beating his body and 'blood came out of his nose'. But, the autopsy report states he died from lung injuries.

blue star chronicles- , Bush Rains on Murtha Parade,

Much to his dismay the news of the U.S. military taking out al-Qaeda leader al-Zarqawi over shado wed his announcement. A very clever ploy on the part of the Bush administration to marginalize him and his message.

the DumbOx [now defunct blog]- , next in iraq: dumb headlines,

Prime minister of Iraq, Nouri Al-Maliki, presents his "state of the union" plans in an op-ed piece today. Sounds like he means business. It will be laughable to hear the MSM struggle for another day or two to downplay the importance of Zarqawi, underline the atrocities of U.S. forces (globally), and explain how all the news, whatever it is, is bad for Bush and Republicans.

point five blog , Brokeback al Zarqawi,

Point Five previews Brokeback Al ZarqawiAmerica’s North Shore Journal gives us a glimpse of Zarqawi’s paradise

gates of vienna , CNN Reaches for the Clue Bag,

What caught my eye this morning was the usual cluelessness (or disingenuousness) of CNN: A Web site used by Al Qaeda in Iraq confirmed al-Zarqawi’s death and urged its followers to continue the insurgent fight.

Atlas Shrugs , Kofi Jumps the Jew hating Shark,

Once again we can count on Kofi Annan to pounce on the latest Jew hating device to alienate Israel from the rest of the world while empowering savages, murderers -- in other words like-minded kindred Kofi anti-spirits. And jump on it he did, even though the ruse was exposed almost immediately.

E L Frederick - [now defunct blog] , Al Qaeda Iraq names Zarqawi successor,

DUBAI (Reuters) - "The shura council of al Qaeda in Iraq unanimously agreed on Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Muhajir to be a successor to Sheikh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,” said a statement signed by al Qaeda and posted on a Web site frequently used by Islamist militants.

Further Adventures of Indigo Red - , The Secret Operation to Kill Zarqawi,

It is a story straight from the pen of a Hollywood script writer. But, the killing of Zarqawi is an amazing true story of international cooperation, individual courage, and the dirty, mean ways of war. The Politically Correct war that had heretofore been fought, had gone on far too long and was showing n o real results as the scum of the earth ran circles around us. The West tried, valiantly, but vainly, attempted to fight the "good war. It was all for naught; al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia and it's leader al-Zarqawi still eluded capture or death.

And what should we use to wipe those stinky Zarqawi stains off our buttholes?

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi toilet paper

Some toilet paper trivia: Before toilet paper, colonial Americans typically used corncobs to clean up their business. I wonder if that was used as a wipe or insert? Ouch!

MLAH - , Zarqawi,

now that asstard who claims we beat zarqawi prior to his death?first, who cares.second, i heard it best at work today."what? they think we dropped two 500 pound bombs on him and then rushed over there for a high calibre debriefing? they don’t think we had a few questions to ask him first?"morons.. if there was any way, zarqawi would be alive, answering some questions.

dinocrat - , Continued strange reporting of Zarqawi’s death versus Haditha,

It continues to strike us as odd that the MSM appear to have excessive interest in the minutest detail of Zarqawi's death (consider this AP headline: "Al-Zarqawi lived for 52 mins. after strike") but show absolutely no interest in the women and child who were killed with him. This via Reuters :

This (his death) was approximately 24 minutes after the coalition forces arrived and approximately 52 minutes after the first strike on the safehouse," Major General William Caldwell, chief U.S. military spokesman, told a news conference….Caldwell said the fate of the body would be discussed with Iraq's government. He said the bodies of three women killed in the air strikes were taken to a local hospital.Contrast this with the "Haditha Massacre," where there is absolutely no interest whatsoever in the enemy who killed and were actively trying to kill US Marines, and total obsessive interest in women and children.

### End of my article ###

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