Hate Speech and Muslim hypocrisy

Maclean’s Editor Prefers Bankruptcy Over Balance
Photo: VelvetHammer

Muslims have some nerve. In every Muslim country there are laws forbidding criticism of Islam, and now the Canadian Islamic Congress wants Canada to enforce the same kind of laws. It should be noted however, that hate-speech against non-Muslims is completely legal in all Muslim countries.

Muslims protest that the West allows publications to print the truth even though it may offend someone. On the other hand, Muslims have no problem with the publishing of lies that offend non-Muslims. As example, we are all familiar with satellite broadcaster Al-Manar, which the Middle East Forum calls the Beacon of Hate:

Al-Manar programming consists of children's shows that glorify homicide bombers. Anti-American and anti-Semitic material -- including the infamous "blood libel" which fallaciously accuses Jews of slaughtering Christian children to make Matza for the Passover holiday -- is the normal fare. Post 9/11, the station worked tirelessly to promote the perception that the Israeli Mossad was the one responsible for the attacks. And indeed, many Arabic speakers in London, Paris, Madrid, Brussels, Berlin absorb Hezbollah's messages of hate and incitement via al Manar.

But you may protest, this is just Hezbollah, the average Muslim praying in a mosque certainly doesn't hear hateful things.

Gina Cobb, Documented Mosque Incitment of Hate

An investigation has concluded that a television station committed no wrong when it broadcast the following statements made in a mosque in Britain:

  • "Allah created the woman deficient"

  • "By the age of 10, it becomes an obligation on us to force her (young girls) to wear hijab and if she doesn't wear hijab, we hit her"

  • "Take that homosexual and throw him off the mountain"

  • "Whoever changes his religion from Al Islam to anything else - kill him in the Islamic state"

Less than two weeks ago in Egypt, a mob of sixty armed Muslim locals attacked a Coptic Monastery known as "Abu Fana."

Between the years 2004 and 2007, Muslim extremist groups and local governments closed 110 churches in Indonesia [Catholic News Agency].

I could spend the rest of my life cataloging current Muslim violence against infidels without getting to a point where I could stop to rest for ten minutes. There is no end to Muslim butchery. But I suppose I have just engaged in hate-speech that will incite my readers to dislike Muslims. They say that Islamophobia is no different than age-old antisemitism, you know, where someone prints lies about Jews. Except Islamophobia is racist speech where one prints the truth about Muslims. Call me silly, but I do see a difference.

We live in an age where we need to fabricate untruths so as not to offend Muslims. For in truth, what can be said about Islam that will not insult Muslims? What can we write about the Qur'an to make it seem as if it's a Holy Book? What can we say about Mohammed (PBUH)? That he's not a backward, ignorant, barbaric, savage, lying, intolerant, pedophilic bastard?

During the Danish Cartoon Affair while Muslims were whining, crying, rioting, burning, and killing infidels over an insult to their prophet, an International Book Fair was held in Cairo between 17 Jan to 3 Feb 2006. While Muslims were protesting that free speech should not mean freedom to insult religion, they were precisely doing that very thing. Here are some of the top selling Titles of Anti-Semitic and Anti-Christian publications (a tip of the turban Hat Tip to Free Copts Blog):

The Hidden Hand of Zionists who control the world
"The Hidden Hand"
(of Zionists who control the world)
Photo: Free Copts Blog

Who killed the dog?
"Who killed the dog?"
Photo: Free Copts Blog
Referring to the murder of Egyptian intellectual Farag Fouda , a free thinking Muslim intellectual who was killed because of his anti fanatic attitude, this book is considered a direct incitement to kill other Egyptian intellectuals who take the same position.

Role of the crusader church in the fall of Islamic Caliphate
"Role of the crusader church in the fall of Islamic Caliphate"
Photo: Free Copts Blog
Muslims still live in their past glory.

Pharaohs, the worshippers of cows, dogs and donkeys
"Pharaohs, the worshippers of cows, dogs and donkeys"
Photo: Free Copts Blog
Even the ancient Egyptian civilization was not spared the racist attacks of Islamists in the Cairo Book Fair supposedly held to encourage Egyptians to pride themselves of their ancient heritage as well.

While insulted Muslims were raging in the street against anyone that would mock their religion and their Prophet they were busy mocking the "Diaspora Filthy Gypsies," as they call the Christians.

The word hypocrisy doesn’t cover it. We need a new word: Islamocrisy, or self-righteous deceit and pretense.

Here are other titles from the Fair:

  • "It Is Not Holy" (Referring to the Holy Bible)

  • "Why they broke the Cross" (Attacking Christian beliefs)

  • "Convert to Islam to Enjoy Security" (this is so 1984)

  • "Christians of Egypt; how many and who are they?" (Hateful publication inciting Muslims against the Copts, Egypt’s indigenous people)

  • "A call to Christians of Egypt; Abandon your grieves" (i.e.Convert to Islam)

  • "Islamic Enlightenment" (An oxymoronic, hate-filled periodical that incites hatred against Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in general)

  • "Inter-faith dialogue, a big scam" (Portraying inter-faith dialogue as a conspiracy against Islam and the Muslims)

  • "O ye filthy gypsies, a message to the Diaspora Christians" (Makes one want to go buy it just by title alone!)

What nerve! Demanding that others not print truthful things about Muslims while back home they publish every sort of lie about non-Muslims.

Maclean's: The future belongs to Islam

### End of my article ###

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