Jew Hater and Idiot Michael Jackson Becomes A Muslim
I thought nothing could look in as bad in disrepair as Michael Jackson's face, but I was wrong: the Neverland Ranch has gone completely to seed (click here to see more photos), which parallels Michael's career. This is what happens when you let friends and relatives run your estate, and religious nutcases like the Nation of Islam run your your career [CNN].
Photo Caption: From thriller to dangerous: On what was the bumper car rink, the canopy is clearly ripped and discoloured by the harsh Californian sun. Grass verges around the rink look bare and don't appear to have been watered for months. Click on image for larger, more pathetic view.
Jackson finally lost his ranch [Wall Street Journal] after years of trying to hold on to it. With his career failing and deep in debt and now in hiding in Bahrain, it's not surprising that Jackson blames his downfall on the Jews:
BlogCritics Magazine, 26 Nov 2005, Michael Jackson: Converts to Islam, Reportedly Says, Jews Are 'Leeches'
Jackson is heard saying that "they're like leeches...I'm so tired of it. They [black artists] start out the most popular person in the world, make a lot of money, big house, cars and everything. End up penniless. It is a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose."
Yes, those Zionist pigs forced Michael to buy the Neverland Ranch and spend 4 million dollars a year maintaining it; and held a gun to his head to make him live a lavish lifestyle spending $20 million a year more than he's bringing in [MSNBC]. He didn't want to live that way, the Jews made him do it. He wanted to record songs that people would want to listen to, but the Jews drained his creativity. Oh, the inhumanity!
So, to the list of 13 things to blame on the Jews please add Michael Jackson's career failure.
Now it's been reported that Michael Jackson has become a Muslim. Obviously one of the reasons for converting to Islam is that child molestation is perfectly legal in that faux religion.
As I have been writing for these past two years, only idiots or Jew haters convert to Islam. Michael Jackson is both - Q.E.D.
Exactly two years ago this week I reported that Michael tried to become a member of the Nation of Islam:
Three years ago Michael Jackson wanted to convert to Nation of Islam but unfortunately he did not have an arrest record and was therefore ineligible to join. However in November of 2003 he was arrested by the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department on charges of child molestation, which arrest now gave him a rap sheet with which to join the Nation of Islam. As we all know, Michael is more white than most Caucasians, so upon seeing him at the conversion ceremonies, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan shouted out, "Who let that cracker in? Kill the M****F****" After being told that Michael was once black, Louis relented and allowed the first white person to ever become a Nation of Islam member.
Michael Jackson's conversion to Islam is not unique for blacks in this country, many famous and highly respected members of the African-American community have become Muslims:
Daniel Pipes, If the King of Pop[, Michael Jackson,] Converts to Islam
- Malcolm X: the Nation of Islam leader converted while serving time in prison in 1948.
- Tawana Brawley: the much-publicized hoaxer converted after the exposure of her claim of being gang raped by white men.
- Benjamin Chavis: the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People converted after his scandal-ridden eviction.
- John Allen Muhammad: the Beltway Sniper converted after a bruising divorce.
- Henry Tillman: the Olympic gold-medal heavyweight boxing medalist converted while in prison on charges of murder.
- Mike Tyson: the heavyweight boxing champion converted while in prison, serving time for rape.
- James Ujaama: the celebrated community activist who had battled drugs and prostitution converted to Islam at a time of career problems; he later pleaded guilty of conspiring to help the Taliban.
Also, O.J. Simpson, the football star accused of murdering his wife, recalls, "when I was incarcerated I read the Koran," but he apparently did not go on to convert.
Mr. Farrakhan has won himself much attention by ostentatiously backing well-known American blacks who find themselves in trouble, such as he did for Michael Jackson after the 2003 arrest. Other figures include:
- Marion Barry, the mayor of Washington, convicted for illegal drug consumption.
- Alcee Hastings, an impeached Federal judge in Florida.
- Gus Savage, a U.S. congressman from Illinois, charged with sexual harassment.
- George Stallings, a Catholic priest accused of child molestation.
Disclaimer: Rumors about Michael Jackson converting have been circulating for over 14 years but this time seems to be the most definitive.