Crime Maps in the UK Unnecessary

crime map Aldgate, City of London

Going to the UK on business or holiday and want to avoid high crime areas? Simply visit, and "Enter your postcode, town, village or street into the search box and get instant access to street-level crime maps and data, as well as details of your local policing team and beat meetings."

The site launched this morning but was so popular it crashed repeatedly under the onslaught of 75,000 hits per minute surging to 18 million hits per hour at its worst. The highly detailed maps provide a monthly snapshot of crime and antisocial behavior on every street across England and Wales.

When I put in "Aldgate, City of London, E1, UK," a heavily populated Muslim area, I was greeted with a Google-type map (see image above) with numbered buttons showing a count of the crimes committed in the area during the past month. One can also click on certain types of crimes: robbery, car-jacking, burglary, etc. Where available there are videos of local incidents, and in some cases even a Twitter feed from officers on the beat.

The crime-mapping project cost more than three hundred thousand quid, that's almost half a million bucks to us yanks.

I think the UK police could have saved a lot of money by simply pointing to Muslim areas; Muslims after all commit 4 times as many crimes as anyone else in addition to being the most violent of criminals:

Planck's Constant, How Many Muslims are there in Prisons?

throughout the UK Muslims account for about 4 times as many inmates as their representation (3%) in the non-prison population; it just happens that Muslim inmates are more dangerous than not.

So the next time you visit the UK, you don't need no stinking maps, just ask the driver where the Muslim areas are and stay away from those to avoid becoming a victim. The problem of course is that with each passing day, London is filling up with more and more Muslims so it can be quite difficult to avoid running into them. Hopefully the new immigration caps [see my article The UK Needs More Jews and Fewer Muslims] going into effect in April of this year will help halt the Islamization of the UK.

### End of my article ###

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