What Obama Should Have Said about Killings over Qur'an Burn

burning the Qur'an
Photo Credit: Gates of Vienna

First, let us read what the most contemptibly spineless American President in our history said in regard to both the Qur'an Burning and the killing of the UN workers by Muslims in Afghanistan in retaliation. Then we'll offer what he should have said.

Daily Times, 4 April 2011, Desecration of Holy Qur'an 'extreme intolerance': Obama

"The desecration of any holy text, including the Qur'an, is an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry," Obama said on Saturday evening. Seven UN workers and guards were killed in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif on Friday as hordes of people protesting fundamentalist Pastor Terry Jones' desecration turned violent and attacked the building where world body's staffers worked. However, Obama added, "To attack and kill innocent people in response is outrageous.

"No religion tolerates the slaughter and beheading of innocent people, and there is no justification for such a dishonorable and deplorable act."

Now here is what Obama, if he had truth in his heart and the courage to utter it, should have said:

“The burning of a printed copy, not the original, of any holy text is just a pile of papers being burned and Islamic countries routinely dispose of worn and torn copies of the Qur'an by burning them (1).

"What, do you actually believe there is an elephants' graveyard of millions of piles of used Qur'ans where they are kept in perpetuity?

"But I'll tell you what is an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry: killing anyone over it. No religion tolerates the slaughter and beheading of innocent people, and as we all know, Islam is no religion.

"As a Muslim, I am offended by the dishonorable and deplorable murders of the UN workers."

A tip of the turban Hat Tip to Acharya S at Freethought Nation News and Commentary.



The Weekly Standard, 9 Sep 2010, What's the Proper Way to Dispose of a Koran?

Burning the Koran is only respectful way of disposing of the Holy book. For example, if a student is learning calligraphy and copies pages from the Koran, he is not allowed to throw away the papers. He must burn them out of respect for the Koran. So actually the Florida man is doing the Muslims a favor by disposing of several copies of the Koran in a proper way.

### End of my article ###

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