Is there anything wrong with Muslims in Our Government?

Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America

Some websites cannot bear to publish my comments. Not because I use bad language or bad logic or bad manners. They just cannot refute my arguments and in addition, do not want their readers to see how bankrupt their point of view really is., in its own words, is a blogzine run by a motley group of hate-allergic bloggers to monitor and expose the web’s plethora of anti-Muslim loons, wackos, and conspiracy theorists.

A few years ago they published this article:

Loonwatch, GOP Lawmakers Team up with anti-Muslims for Inquisition

Dave Gaubatz, who we reported on previously while covering a story on Tawfiq Hamid has surfaced again. This time teaming up with Paul Sperry (another Islamophobe) to write a book, Muslim Mafia which claims to uncover the secret, nefarious plot by CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) to supposedly “Islamize America.” This conspiracy theory is related to the kooky Eurabia theory which we debunked, and is another clear manifestation of anti-Muslim Islamophobia.

This time a few far right-wing GOP lawmakers (Sue Myrick, John Shadegg, Paul Broun, and Trent Franks) have used the book to call for a McCarthyist inquisition into Muslims who worked as interns in the Capitol to find out if they were “planted” by CAIR. They rely on a CAIR memo obtained by Gaubatz’s son who claimed to convert to Islam and then interned with CAIR. The memo doesn’t say anything extraordinary but rather lays out a pretty straightforward PR and advocacy agenda. The key portion that is ringing the Islamophobia bell is, “we will develop national initiatives such as a lobby day and placing Muslim interns in Congressional offices.” So what’s wrong with that you may ask, isn’t that what every advocacy group does in Washingtion DC? Well, the message from the GOP lawmakers seems to be it’s okay as long as you’re not Muslim.

I left the following comment:

There is no problem with any religious groups wanting to place members of their faith into our political system. However, we would not tolerate Communists or Nazis to do likewise because they are not religious groups and their goal is the conversion of America into a different political entity.

Sadly, people like you do not understand Islam at all. Islam is not a religion. I take this from Islamic authorities who declare that Islam is politics or it is nothing.

Jews have been in New York for centuries and are the majority in New York City, yet pork is not banned in our public schools. However, bring a few Somali Muslims into an American meat packing company and they will not handle pork products. A Muslim supermarket clerk has to call a supervisor over to ring up bacon. A Muslim forklift operator refuses to lift crates of alcohol.

Only Muslims-in-name-only fit into our society. Those who take their Islam seriously know that the end purpose of their lives is to turn Dar al-Harb (non-Muslim countries) into Dar al-Islam.

Christian missionaries have converted hundreds of millions of Africans yet there is not one single Christian-ruled polity in all of Africa. Not one country with Christian law.

The Muslim sword has converted hundreds of millions of Africans and there are now more than a dozen countries formerly non-Muslim that are now 90% or greater Muslim population in Islamic states or where Islam is the official state religion.

Nowhere in the world is there a country that is 99% Christian or 99% Jewish (not even in Israel) because in non-Muslim countries one can choose to be any religion. However, because it is a political rather than a religious system, we have the following:

Mauritania: 99.9%
Somalia: 99.9%
Western Sahara: 99.8%
Algeria: 99%
Djibouti: 99%
Tunisia: 99%

And every country that has Muslims is slowly heading toward 99.9999%

How is that possible? Simple, because when Muslims become the majority, they vote in Sharia law and make it almost impossible for infidels to live as infidels.

So go laugh at Islamophobic loons. Hitler was laughed at, Naziphobia was ridiculed. Anti-Nazi arguments were considered fear-mongering. Go ahead - keep mocking. We’ll see who laughs last.

So did the motley group of hate-allergic bloggers publish my comment in order to expose me as an anti-Muslim loon and wacko? Did they tear apart my argument?

Sadly, only for a short time (originally listed as #comment-9917) and then deleted by the blog owners. I wonder why?

Is there anything wrong with Muslims in Our Government?

Sadly, yes.

### End of my article ###

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