Faked Naked Photos of Scarlett Johansson Part II

In response to my article Faked Naked Photos of Scarlett Johansson, a Constant reader calling himself MakesOwnWeather asked how I know that almost all images sent to me of a naked Scarlett Johansson are indeed fake.

It's not hard (no pun) to see why they're fake if you know what to look for. Consider the following fake image of Scarlett Johansson sent to me in which we see her exposed breasts and hoo-ha (but do not click on image for a larger view if you are easily embarrassed, offended, prudish, etc. definitely NSFW):

not naked photo of Scarlett johansson

In order for me to explain how I know this is a fake, my readers need to know that there are two basic types of earlobes: free or attached (although there are sliding variations in between):

earlobe types

Look closely at this girl's ear - it's attached:

not naked photo of Scarlett Johansson

Now look at Scarlett's ear - it's free:

Scarlett Johansson


### End of my article ###

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