Protecting Children From Pedophilia, Female Genital Mutilation, and Islam

What kind of guy wears a full Nazi uniform to a child custory hearing?
What kind of guy wears a full Nazi uniform to a child custory hearing?
Photo Credit: New York Magazine

In my article Call Me Bob I reported that a pair of imbeciles masquerading as parents tried in December 2008 to have a cake inscribed with "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler," at a local Shop-Rite - the supermarket rightly refused and reported the incident. The Holland Township couple lost custody of their three children when New Jersey Family Services correctly determined that the safety of the children was in jeopardy.

In 2011, a New Jersey appeals court upheld the action by New Jersey's Department of Children and Families.

The father, Heath Campbell, is seen above exiting a child custody hearing wearing full Nazi regalia. Yeah, that's right, impress the judges how sane you are. Anyone who publicly displays their affection for Nazism is indeed dangerous if not insane. I have no doubt that some day anyone who publicly declares that they are Muslim will likewise be declared either dangerous or insane.

A small start in the right direction has already started in France when they banned Female Genital Mutilation which law has jailed about 100 people in dozens of high-profile cases. In addition we recall the French ban on wearing Islamic veils - something the whole world needs to emulate.

Boris Johnson writing in the Telegraph believes that parents who teach their children radical Islamist principles should be considered the same as child abusers and that the authorities must have the power to intervene (A tip of the turban Hat Tip to

Whether we allow extremists to fabricate explosives in their homes or allow parents to radicalize their young, there is no difference: both will result in bombs with fuses that will wreak havoc, murder, and destruction. Moderate Muslims are only one degree removed from this - they are merely bombs without fuses that need only Sudden Jihad Syndrome to kick in to detonate. In a sane world without political correctness, raising children to be Muslim would be considered as child abuse.

### End of my article ###

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