Megyn Kelly is an Idiot and a Race-baiter

megyn kelly - fox news anchor and idiot and racebaiter
Photo Credit: GQ

Donald Trump might have been right about Megyn Kelly last August when he said, "Megyn Kelly Had 'Blood Coming Out Of Her ... Wherever.'" She certainly was on the rag last night when she pounced like a cat in heat on the Donald's fumbling of the question of whether he disavows David Duke and the KKK.

I understand that Megyn hates Trump, but her hounding of Huckabee to try and get him to say that Trump is a racist, is not to get to the truth of the matter but to make blacks and other minorities hate Trump as well. Race-baiting is not a good character trait. Shame on you Megyn. Your effort to derail Trump may contribute to a Hillary victory in November and for that you are an idiot as well.

Trump disavowed David Duke more than a dozen years ago, he disavowed Duke two days ago and he disavowed Duke today. How many times does he have to say that he disavows David Duke before people stop asking that silly question? This is a non-issue.

I know what happened to Trump at that CNN interview. It's happened to me many times, it's happened to my wife, and I have no doubt it has even happened to Megyn Kelly.

Let me give you an example: My wife, our children and our nephews were on vacation in Mexico a few years back when one hot and sunny day my wife lost the keys to her hotel rooms while on the beach.

This is what my wife heard:

Wifey: I lost my keys in the sand at the beach.
Concierge: Oh my, that is terrible - do you want us to help find your keys?

Wifey: No, I looked and looked, there's no point - we'll never find them in the sand - I want new keys.
Concierge: New keys? How are we going to find you new keys?

Wifey: What? How? Are you serious? I don't care just get me new keys. I can't go into my room without my keys.
Concierge: We understand that, but you must calm down, madam, new keys won't help you at all - we'll get security to help you find your keys.

Wifey: (Screaming) I don't want my old keys - I want new keys!

This is what the concierge heard:

Wifey: I lost my keeds in the sand at the beach.
Concierge: Oh my, that is terrible - do you want us to help find your keeds?

Wifey: No, I looked and looked, there's no point - we will never find them in the sand - I want new keeds.
Concierge: New keeds? How are we going to find you new keeds?

Wifey: What? How? Are you serious? I don't care just get me new keeds. I can't go into my room without my keeds.
Concierge: We understand that, but you must calm down, madam, new keeds won't help you at all - we'll get security to help you find your keeds.

Wifey: (Screaming) I don't want my old keeds - I want new keeds!

It was a simple misunderstanding. My wife thought the concierge was saying keys and the concierge thought she was talking about her kids.

But wait Bernie, Donald repeated the name David Duke and said he didn't know of a David Duke. Well, obviously he was thinking of something else. In his mind that name appeared as Davy Dook, someone he doesn't know. Go ahead, ask a friend if they like Davy Dook and I guarantee they will hear something else. It happens.

That's an explanation that makes sense since he's disavowed David Duke the bigot many times and not Davy Dook, someone he doesn't know.

As for having sex with Megyn, yeah, even if she's a spiteful bitch, I would still let her blow me.

### End of my article ###

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