Mortgage Crises - The Liberal View

House in chains
Flickr-User: mortgage_foreclosure_solutions.

Liberal: OK, class, here's the problem: We need to nail George Bush on this sub-prime mortgage crises, any ideas?
Class: There are only two possibilities:

  1. Bush fails to act, a la Katrina, and hundreds of thousands of people lose their homes. We can then blame Bush for not caring about these lower income people.

  2. Bush actually helps these people keep their homes in which case we write this condemning him.

The beauty of this is that's he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

Ah, it's good to be a Liberal and only be concerned with the great principles in the world. Nary a care about the actual plight of the people, but rather about the theory of caring about people.


Wiki: 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis

International Herald Tribune: How the mortgage crisis arose and infected the world

NPR: Bush Unveils Mortgage Crisis Plan

### End of my article ###

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