Some have forgotten September 11

Cathy on her blog at Sunday Morning Coffee paid tribute to a young Japanese man Toshiya Kuge who died on 11 Sep 2001 along with the other brave souls aboard United Flight 93 in an attempt to take back their hijacked plane. She introduced the tribute with a Japanese folk story from her childhood. Let me reprint here her ending paragraph which I would like to share with my readers:

Sunday Morning Coffee, A Life Remembered: Toshiya Kuge

So, I share this fable about the burning rice fields with you--- Although profoundly sad, it is a story of sacrifice and a keen understanding of a greater good. I want to believe--- I need to believe that the men and women who lost their lives that awful day were not in vain, but stand over us as guardian angels to remind us to stay vigilant and to never forget and never ever allow this to happen again.

A Life Remembered,

Toshiya Kuge
1981 - 2001

Cathy's husband and I share an interesting quirk in our character: we're both Atheists who have no problem saying, "God Bless America".

Two years ago, as a member of Project 2996 I wrote a tribute to Terrence E Adderley who died at the World Trade Center. I received a number of emails in response to that article from friends who knew him and whose privacy I will respect by not going into details but I will say that I have gotten more satisfaction and inspiration from their words than from anything else I've received.

About the photo at the top of the fold; At Ground Zero in New York City, a few protesters try to tell the crowd the "truth" about what happened on 9/11. These are idiots who think that the collapse of the World Trade Center was caused by a controlled demolition by a Bush Administration (or Mossad) eager to go to war in the Middle East.

It has been 7 years now and I wish I could write that the memory of those who died on 9/11 continues to remind us to stay vigilant and to never forget and never ever allow that kind of atrocity to happen again but sadly we have only to look at Liberals supporting Barack Obama to see that a good chunk of this country has not only forgotten what happened that day, but sees our war on terror as a political fear-mongering tactic by the right wing and considers any criticism of Islam as bigoted rantings of Islamophobes who exaggerate the threat of Islamic terror.

Liberals. Forgetful, blind, and stupid. The perfect formula for useful idiots.

### End of my article ###

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