Find the Terrorist

Find the Canadian

My readers often challenge me in emails. There are hundreds of websites that have already published this particular challenge, but reader Bernard Wishnia knows I like to add my particular twist to these types of Internet puzzles.

Here is the text accompanying the photo above:

Find the Canadian

A favorite pastime in Florida- Is to play Find the Canadian.
This week's challenge is especially difficult. View the attached candid photograph and use logic to locate the clues that will let you find the Canadian. Do you have the skill? Do you have the ability? Do you know enough about your Northern Cousins?


Taking notes is permissible but try to limit your time to no more than 5 minutes!? Good luck!

OK - I'll admit it took me a few minutes to study the situation, analyze the differences and come to a definitive answer to the question. Although I enjoy posting gratuitous photos of near-naked beautiful women, this is not the reason I took the challenge.

The moment I saw the photo of young lasses (omitting the letter el describes the photo as well) I recalled an article of mine from 29 Mar 2008: How to differentiate Moderate Muslims from Extremists where the question was answered: no one can.

Consider this photo of a typical Muslim family on vacation in Sweden in 1971.

A bin Laden family trip to Sweden in 1971
Photo Credit: NY Times - Camera Press/Scanpix)

Can you spot the terrorist? Unless one has already seen this photo before, no one can. If you click on the image you will see a larger view with the face of the terrorist circled. His name? Osama bin Laden. This is one of the reasons I urge everyone to pressure their representatives to not allow any more Muslims into this country and to deport those that are already here.

Now some bright Liberals, thinking that I oppose Muslims being here simply because they are different or that they do not assimilate into our country, will protest that it's possible that there is one terrorist living among the Amish; after all, the Amish are different than us, dress differently, and have not really fully assimilated into our culture; how come I haven't asked for their expulsion?

As I pointed out in the article mentioned above,

Is it possible that among the 200,000 or so Amish that there is even one terrorist? Yes, remotely possible, but it is not important that we be able to differentiate moderate Amish from extremists because the moderates would themselves not support, aid, hide or tolerate the extremist.

If we could rely on moderate Muslims to do likewise then they themselves would no longer pose a threat to our country. Unfortunately the opposite is true. So to answer the question, "How to differentiate Moderate Muslims from Extremists?" We cannot. Even they cannot. But our survival demands that we must. Logic tells us what we must do.

I want to use a trite phrase: Finding a terrorist is like looking for a needle in the haystack. But as difficult enough as it is, it's made more difficult when the straw purposely hides the needle or moves it among various haystacks. And certainly it would be easier if we had fewer than 6 million haystacks and growing.

### End of my article ###

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