Muslim Women`s League USA Condemns Mumbai Violence

I guess the following is about as close as I'm going to find of a Muslim organization condemning Muslim violence. Obviously it is from an American Muslim Organization in Los Angeles, California. One would be hard put to find Muslim groups in Europe and especially those in Muslim countries condemning anything done by Muslims. So here from the front page of the Muslim Women`s League is their statement regarding the Mumbai Massacre:

The Muslim Women's League condemns the violence that claimed approximately 183 innocent people in Mumbai, India during the last few days in November. Our hearts and prayers are with the families who mourn the loss of their loved ones. The perpetrators used violence to forward their own agenda taking the lives of innocent people. God has granted each of us the gift of life to honor and to spread peace, justice and mercy to all of mankind.

We in particular extend our condolences to the Jewish community who lost Rabbi Holtzberg, his wife, and seven other members in this tragedy. We stand united with people of all faiths against these brutal acts of violence.

One will observe that Islamic radicals are not explicitly named. An uniformed person would not be able to tell from the statement who the perpetrators actually are. They could in fact be a rogue gang of Hungarian Circus Midgets who were shorted (oooh) by some Jewish financier and decided to take revenge on some random Jews.

Since these women are already taking risks speaking against the inhumane way women in Islam are treated, one could ask why they aren't brave enough to name names in the statement. Well for one thing they are only asking Muslim men to be more humane toward their cattle women. The men in question are the generic Muslim male, no specific person or group is insulted. It's like, "Hey guys, treat us better", as opposed to, "Ahmed Bin Nasty is a misogynist pig who beats his wife." Begging to be better treated is one thing but insulting the religion will land a fatwa on your ass, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali knows all too well.

This poem captures exactly the plight of women in Islam:

I am punished for my desire.
I am a whore
because I’ve slept with five men.
But I am a slave when I sleep with just one.

Two weeks after I first started blogging I wrote an apology pretending to be a Muslim since I could not find a real Muslim to do the job.

Planck's Constant, 31 Jan 2006,
As a Muslim I Apologize

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

As A Muslim I apologize.

I am sorry that my religion, far from being a "religion of peace” is in fact a barbaric cult that has changed not one bit from its savage, warrior origins in the 7th Century. I am sorry that Islam is as extreme and as intolerant as when our most blessed Prophet Mohammed, Peace be upon Him, began to slaughter the unbelievers 1300 years ago.

I am sorry that our Holy Book, The Qur'an is not filled with instructions on how to live in Peace and Tolerance with our fellow man, but rather is a military code book filled with techniques in terror and a manual for the conquest of the world. I am sorry that if the faithful follow exactly these moral instructions the world will be under one khalif and there will only be one Law: the Sharia.

I am sorry that Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers and that I am instructed to tolerate you until the time comes when you either convert or die.

I am sorry that Jihadist warriors in the name of Islam have captured, tortured and brutally beheaded innocent men and women journalists and translators who have not lifted a sword against us. I wish that I could say this was a travesty against Islam, that this is but a perversion of Islam, but sadly it is not, for truly and certainly it is written in our Holy Qur'an 8.12: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

I wish all Muslims would join me in saying we are sorry that 19 of our fellow Muslims were only following their faith and fulfilling it to the letter when they entered Heaven on September 11th, 2001, May your God forgive us in all his Mercy and Compassion.

I apologize that we act in a manner that to you is irrational, vicious, inhumane, brutal, abominable, unconscionable, and in utter contempt for human dignity and sanctity of life, but for us to act thus is merely being orthodox to our faith and submissive to the Will of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

You would think that out of 1.5 billion there would be at least one Muslim in the whole world to apologize for the barbarity of his religion, but we should sympathize. After all, If any real Muslim ever apologized as I did he would be tortured, burned, and his carcass dragged through the streets.

Related Articles:

Planck's Constant, Muslim Women Slaves in Denial

So here is the problem: when I repeat what Muslim-run websites themselves recognize categorically that Islam oppresses women, I get comments calling me a racist, bigot, Islamophobe, whatever. Perhaps when Muslim women read these same websites their eyes deny what they themselves read, much as some battered wives refuse to see themselves as abused women.

"But," you protest, "I've been told that Islam elevates women." Yes, that's true, here's photographic proof:

hanging women in Islam
Islam elevates women - about 20 feet high
Photo Credit: Winds of Jihad by sheikyermami

### End of my article ###

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