Death To Juice, Pepsi and Jews Named Seltzer

Anti-Israel rabid Leftists hit the streets of New York, 28 Dec 2008 at 50 St and Fifth Avenue
Rabid Leftists hit the streets of New York,
28 Dec 2008 at 50 St and Fifth Avenue
Photo Credit: Vigilant Squirrel Brigade

It is tough being a Muslim, living isolated and unassimilated in a country for decades and still not able to understand the basic speech patterns or vocabulary of your host country. Add to that the normal stupidity of growing up under Islamic teachings and you end up with signs like those in the photo here.

Before you object that Islam does not make one stupid please read my post PEPSI Stands for "Pay Every Pence to Save Israel" where we find Salem Salamah, a HAMAS Member of Parliament, giving an interview on Al-Aqsa TV on 23 Apr 2008 explaining to his Muslim audience that the acronym for Pepsi spells out a diabolical message in support of Israel: P-E-P-S-I - Pay Every Pence to Save Israel. This is not a message one gives to an audience without assuming it is filled with imbeciles and morons. Or as they are called in Western countries: Muslims.

It was precisely because most Muslims are stupid that caused the Danish Cartoon riots from a few years ago. It wasn't because of any cartoons published in a Danish Newspaper but were due to the actions of a Danish Imam who was frustrated that Muslims were not upset with the original cartoons so he salted the set with purposely inflammatory ones including one that depicted Mohammed as a pig but was actually the photo of a pig squealing contestant at a French Pig-Squealing Championship (1). Again, a tactic that only works if one assumes the audience is filled with gullible idiots.

It is so easy to be confused if you are a Muslim. So many Jews are named after drinks: Seltzer, Wasser, Spritzer - how is Ahmed able to tell between soft drinks and Juice? Of course Muslims do not want to kill all Jews, only Zionist Jews as noted in the parenthetical qualifier in the photo here.

But it just might all be a simple misunderstanding: it is well-known in financial circles and in Hollywood that Jews are the ones with all the juice.

For more photos of anti-Israel, anti-American demonstrators see Atlas Shrugs.


mohammed pig hoax


Planck's Constant, Video Explains it all - al-Taqiyya: Muslim dissimulation

The word "al-Taqiyya" means: "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and strategies at a time of eminent danger to save oneself from physical or mental injury." A one-word translation would be"Dissimulation." In Arabic the translation would be "hypocrisy in the pursuit of a greater purpose."

This allows Denmark's most famous Imam, Ahmed Abdel Rahman Abu Laban, to forge cartoons if the purpose is to protect himself or other Muslims from slander, blasphemy, or threats of death. Sadly, this disclosure will have no affect on the rampaging Muslim world.

Spritzer soft drink
Photo Credit: ecomaxmc

Wasser Isotonic Sports Drink
Wasser Isotonic Sports Drink
Photo Credit:

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