Obama is Dangerously Deranged

Obama Yelling as a mad man
Photo Credit: Maries Two Cents

In a previous article I wrote that President Obama is "the stupidest, most incompetent, most back-dealing, least transparent, most socialist, and worst US President we have ever had."

What I mistakenly left off is that Obama is also "dangerously deranged," or in the words of French President Nicolas Sarkozy "dangerous[ly] aliéné” (1). Some of you may object that the American people would not be so stupid as to elect a dangerous lunatic as head of their country. I need only remind you that it happened once before in another country not so long ago.

Many bloggers have already called Obama an anti-Semite, which of course he is, and wonder why such a large percentage (78% - Israel National News) of Jews voted for him.

As I explained in Obama and the Nazis, much of this can be blamed on the Holocaust syndrome similar to the Stockholm syndrome where hostages express adulation towards those who are most likely to destroy them. And Jewish adoration and adulation of Obama continues despite Obama's shameful treatment of our most vital and trusted ally in the world (2) and the recent denial of visas to Israeli scientists who want to attend seminars in America (3): amazingly a majority of American Jews still support Obama (4). How stupid can these Jews be?

Blogger Daniel Greenfield believes Obama and his fellow travelers in the Democratic Party and the EU again want to impose a final solution on all us pesky Jews (5).

Recall how Obama bowed obsequiously to the King of Saudi Arabia, yet here we see him talking down to Netanyahu, this is how he treats Muslims, this is how he treats Jews.

Obama talking down to Netanyahu
Photo Credit: Atlas Shrugs

Disclaimer: I should mention that I too voted for Obama but not because I believe he would be good for our country but precisely and sadly for the opposite reason: because I expect him to bring this country to the brink of destruction. Liberalism in this country must be killed and the only way to do it is to give the entire dose of the disease to the American people before they get so slowly used to it in bits and pieces that someday we will find all our freedoms gone and not realize it while it was happening. At the same time I am betting that he will be such a mad buffoon in foreign policy, especially in regard to Iran, that gold will rise to unprecedented levels (which will make me rich as Midas). If Americans are such idiots to vote for him, why shouldn't I profit as well? I will need the money to escape to another place just in case my fellow Americans do not learn their lesson.



European Union Times, French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns He Might Be Insane

A new report circulating in the Kremlin today authored by France’s Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE) and recently “obtained” by the FSB shockingly quotes French President Nicolas Sarkozy as stating that President Barack Obama is “a dangerous[ly] aliéné”, which translates into his, Obama, being a “mad lunatic”, or in the American vernacular, “insane”.

According to this report, Sarkozy was “appalled” at Obama’s “vision” of what the World should be under his “guidance” and “amazed” at the American Presidents unwillingness to listen to either “reason” or “logic”. Sarkozy’s meeting where these impressions of Obama were formed took place nearly a fortnight ago at the White House in Washington D.C., and upon his leaving he “scolded” Obama and the US for not listening closely enough to what the rest of the World has to say.

A tip of the turban Hat Tip to Always On Watch

It should be noted that the EU Times is anti-Israel and anti-Semitic itself, but so far I tend to believe this part of the story nonetheless mainly because of this video.


Solomonia, 25 Mar 2010, Obama Snubs Netanyahu at White House Dinner?

Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday...

The Israeli prime minister arrived at the White House on Tuesday evening brimming with confidence that the worst of the crisis in his country's relationship with the United States was over...

...Mr Obama...immediately presented Mr Netanyahu with a list of 13 demands designed both to the end the feud with his administration and to build Palestinian confidence ahead of the resumption of peace talks. Key among those demands was a previously-made call to halt all new settlement construction in east Jerusalem.

When the Israeli prime minister stalled, Mr Obama rose from his seat declaring: "I'm going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls."

As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. "I'm still around," Mr Obama is quoted by Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. "Let me know if there is anything new."

For over an hour, Mr Netanyahu and his aides closeted themselves in the Roosevelt Room on the first floor of the White House to map out a response to the president's demands.

Although the two men then met again, at 8.20 pm, for a brief second meeting, it appeared that they failed to break the impasse. White House officials were quoted as saying that disagreements remained. Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, added: "Apparently they did not reach an understanding with the United States."...

..."There is no humiliation exercise that the Americans did not try on the prime minister and his entourage," Israel's Maariv newspaper reported. "Bibi received in the White House the treatment reserved for the president of Equatorial Guinea."...


Israel Matzav, 8 Apr 2010, Dimona nuke reactor employees having trouble getting US visas?

Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor's employees have told Israel's Maariv daily that they have been having problems recently getting visas to the United States where they have for years attended seminars in Chemistry, Physics and Nuclear Engineering (link in Hebrew, Hat Tip: BA Wilson). They also complain of being treated in an 'insulting manner' by President Obama's people. Until recently, employees of the Nuclear Research Center routinely traveled to the United States for seminars and courses.


ynet news, 12 Apr 2010, Jews support Obama despite tensions with Israel

Despite recent friction with Israel, a majority of America's Jews still support their president. The Jewish community continues to be a strong support base for President Obama.

Some 57% of US Jews support Obama versus 38% who are opposed to his policies.


Sultan Knish, 11 Apr 2010, Imposing Another Final Solution

Obama is moving to impose his own final solution, after a meeting with six national security advisors who like the missing participants at the Wannsee Conference all agreed that solving the Jewish problem was key to solving all other problems.

Of course it is impolitic outside the Middle East to call it the Jewish problem. Instead it's usually described as the problem caused by Israel, which unlike Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and the rest of the otherwise peaceful region, is governed by an intractable people who are responsible for all the region's and all the world's problems.

The same columnists and reporters who gasped breathlessly each time Obama glanced at his teleprompter, have already explained to us that all the problems in the Middle East can be boiled down to that awful Mr. Netanyahu and his pack of fanatical Jews building their fanatical houses in Jerusalem. Never mind the legions of suicide bombers, Shiites slaughtering Sunnis, Yemen's civil war, genocide in the Sudan, street riots in Iran, ethnic cleansing threats in Turkey and all the other lovely byproducts of the Religion of Peace... the problem is Jews ruling themselves in a tiny strip of land, that used to be ruled by Muslims.

### End of my article ###

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