The Problem With One Million Dollar Bills

Million Dollar Bill Gospel tract by Living Waters

In June of 2006, the US Secret Service without a warrant confiscated 83 packs (each pack contains 100 bills) of the Million Dollar Bill Gospel tracts produced by Living Waters, a ministry affiliated with Ray Comfort’s The Great News Network.

That would be 8.3 billion dollars if they were genuine US bank notes.

The Texas ministry prints bills that are the same size, color, and appearance of genuine American currency except for the denomination and a barely detectable notice that the note is not legal tender. In addition, the back of the bills contain gospel messages (1).

In September 2009, The Great News Network took the United States Secret Service to court in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Dallas, claiming illegal search and seizure of million dollar bill gospel tracts. One of the agents threatened Tim Crawford with arrest if he did not surrender the tracts.

Since there are no genuine million dollar bills printed by the US government, there can be no counterfeiting. On 31 March 2010, a Federal Court upheld the right of the ministry to distribute "Million Dollar Bill" gospel tracts noting that it was obvious the tracts were not an attempt to make fake currency (2). The decision by Judge Jorge Solis came in the long-running dispute over a tract deliberately made to look like a $1 million bill. "The Million Dollar Bill, taken as a whole, poses no reasonable risk of deceiving an honest, sensible, and unsuspecting person," the judge wrote.

While I agree that a million dollar bill cannot be a counterfeit, that is only true today. Once ObamaCare gets into full swing, once the great transfer of wealth is enforced by law, once all our defenses are removed, once we become the Socialist Paradise that our leftists dream of, then the US government will indeed be printing one million dollar banknotes. After all, how will you pay your monthly health premium of ten million dollars without them?

Then how will we distinguish between fake one million dollar bills and our Obama million dollar bills?

YouTube, WB News 33 reports on the Secret Service's illegal confiscation of GNN's Million Dollar Bills

Note: if the video above is removed by YouTube, you can download it from my server here. You will need VLC Media Player to view it.



Living Waters, Million Dollar Bill

The million dollar question: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here's a quick test. Have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, or used God's name in vain? Jesus said, "Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Have you looked with lust? Will you be guilty on Judgment Day? If you have done those things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart. The Bible warns that if you are guilty you will end up in Hell. That's not God's will. He sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross for you. You broke God's Law, but Jesus paid your fine. That means He can legally dismiss your case. He can commute your death sentence: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Then He rose from the dead and defeated death. Please, repent (turn from sin) today and trust in Jesus alone, and God will grant you the gift of everlasting life. Then read your Bible daily and obey it.


WMAZ, Court Upholds Right To Distribute "Million Dollar Bill" Gospel Tracts

LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP)-- A federal court has upheld the right of a Christian ministry to distribute "Million Dollar Bill" gospel tracts.

The front of the tract has markings similar to paper currency but also indicates it is not legal tender. It also has the words "Thou Shalt Not Steal" and "Department of Eternal Affairs."

A federal judge ruled last week that agents from the Department of Homeland Security violated the rights of Great News Network when it seized the tracts in 2006."

### End of my article ###

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