Why the Colorado Shooter Shot So Many People

An email from reader Sara, of the UK, asks why I haven't blogged about James Holmes, the wacko who is accused of killing 12 people and injuring 58 in a shooting spree at the midnight premier of "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, Colorado on July 20. "Is it because he's a Christian terrorist and not a Muslim?"

Allow me to share my response to the email with my readers.

Dear Sara, Four things:

  1. If he's a Christian, it's incidental to the killing. Certainly no particular people were singled out in regard to their religious beliefs or because of some perceived anti-Christian activity on their part.
  2. He is not a terrorist. By definition the purpose of a terrorist act is to intimidate or coerce a civilian population into forcing a change of policy or conduct of their government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. We currently do not know why he committed the murders nor does it appear that even James Holmes knows himself why he did it.
  3. If he were a Muslim, I would not have blogged about it if it were a similar random shooting for no reason by a crazy person. However, if a similar shooting were done in the pursuit of Jihad, it would have been appropriate to call him a terrorist and I would have made some comment on it.

    I should mention that I do not comment on 99% of Muslim atrocities because I do not have a dozen staff writers to keep track of them all.

  4. I didn't blog about the incident because there is nothing we can do about crazy people. I blog about Muslim terrorists because there is something we can do about them: wipe them off the face of the Earth.

Actually, I need to amend the first part of the last statement - there is one thing we can do in regard to guns and crazy people:

What's the best defense against a crazy person with a gun?  Having guns in the hands of the sane folks in the crowd.
Photo Credit: Moonbattery

A tip of the turban Hat Tip to The Old Curmudgeon.

### End of my article ###

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