Here Is a Country Without a Muslim Problem

Yesterday, in my article The Difference Between Muslims and Infidels in the UK, we saw how British police are loath to arrest Muslims for actual crimes while quickly putting in jail non-Muslims who just think bad thoughts about Muslims.

I pointed out this happens when there are too many Muslims in a country. But here is a place that doesn't have a Muslim problem: Japan. Why? Simple, they don't let them in, nor treat them with kid gloves, indeed, they don't apologize for their negative, public, official view of Islam. Which is the way a vile, vicious, violent ideology should be treated.

Please read the addendum at the bottom of this post to clear up a few items in the article cited below.

Middle East and Terrorism Blog, 17 May 2013, The Land without Muslims

Shaykh Abdullah Takazawa - Tokyo's Only Imam
Shaykh Abdullah Takazawa
Tokyo's Only Imam
Photo Credit: Information Malay Now
There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples of cases where immigration from Muslim countries, together with the Muslims’ high fertility rate, effects every area of life.

It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture. Few academic institutions teach the Arabic language. It is very difficult to import books of the Qur’an to Japan, and Muslims who come to Japan, are usually employees of foreign companies. In Japan there are very few mosques. The official policy of the Japanese authorities is to make every effort not to allow entry to Muslims, even if they are physicians, engineers and managers sent by foreign companies that are active in the region. Japanese society expects Muslim men to pray at home.

Japanese companies seeking foreign workers specifically note that they are not interested in Muslim workers. And any Muslim who does manage to enter Japan will find it very difficult to rent an apartment. Anywhere a Muslim lives, the neighbors become uneasy. Japan forbids the establishment of Islamic organizations, so setting up Islamic institutions such as mosques and schools is almost impossible. In Tokyo there is only one imam.

In contrast with what is happening in Europe, very few Japanese are drawn to Islam. If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she will be considered an outcast by her social and familial environment. There is no application of Shari’a law in Japan. There is some food in Japan that is halal, kosher according to Islamic law, but it is not easy to find it in the supermarket.

The Japanese approach to Muslims is also evidenced by the numbers: in Japan there are 127 million residents, but only ten thousand Muslims, less than one hundredth of a percent. The number of Japanese who have converted is thought to be few. In Japan there are a few tens of thousands of foreign workers who are Muslim, mainly from Pakistan, who have managed to enter Japan as workers with construction companies. However, because of the negative attitude towards Islam they keep a low profile.

There are several reasons for this situation:

First, the Japanese tend to lump all Muslims together as fundamentalists who are unwilling to give up their traditional point of view and adopt modern ways of thinking and behavior. In Japan, Islam is perceived as a strange religion, that any intelligent person should avoid.


The most interesting thing in Japan’s approach to Islam is the fact that the Japanese do not feel the need to apologize to Muslims for the negative way in which they relate to Islam.


Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to senior officialdom. In Japan, contrary to the situation in other countries, there are no “human rights” organizations to offer support to Muslims’ claims against the government’s position. In Japan no one illegally smuggles Muslims into the country to earn a few yen, and almost no one gives them the legal support they would need in order to get permits for temporary or permanent residency or citizenship.


The fact that the public and the officials are united in their attitude against Muslim immigration has created a sort of iron wall around Japan that Muslims lack both the permission and the capability to overcome. This iron wall silences the world’s criticism of Japan in this matter, because the world understands that there is no point in criticizing the Japanese, since criticism will not convince them to open the gates of Japan to Muslim immigration.

Japan is teaching the whole world an interesting lesson: there is a direct correlation between national heritage and permission to immigrate: a people that has a solid and clear national heritage and identity will not allow the unemployed of the world to enter its country; and a people whose cultural heritage and national identity is weak and fragile, has no defense mechanisms to prevent a foreign culture from penetrating into its country and its land.

[The article is written by Dr. Mordechai Kedar]

I expect someone with a name like Ahmed to raise the question, "But Bernie how would you feel if they excluded Jews as well?" My answer is simple: any country that excludes Jews suffers by not having them. Do I feel bad that Saudi Arabia doesn't like Jews? No, that country deserves not having any Jews.

Most importantly of course is that Jewish immigrants would not be on welfare, but would contribute positively to any country they enter. They certainly would not be leaving bombs at marathons.

As for the Japanese: they respect and honor Jews. Yes there are anti-Semites in Japan, as in all countries, but consider this: Japan's highest private award for human achievement, the Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology has been won 30% of the time by Jews, the largest, single ethnic/religious group to do so. An astounding statistic considering there are fewer than 2,000 Jews in Japan.

The Jewish Federations of North America informs us that "Jews in Japan are more likely to experience philo-Semitism, with magazine articles expressing admiration for Jewish talent, intelligence and success."

More remarkably and less known is that during the 1930s and -40s, despite Japan's alliance with Nazi Germany, Japan became one of the world's only countries where Jews could find refuge from the Holocaust.

No, Ahmed, there is no reason for a country to ban Jews from entering and tens of thousands of reasons to keep Muslims out:

Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11


There is also an email that has been going around for more than a year containing many of the same sentiments (and comments in red from blogger Bare Naked Islam debunking some of those sentiments):

Bare Naked Islam, 21 Sep 2012, BNI response to the viral email re: ‘Islam and Japan’

There is a popular email going around that reveals how difficult the Japanese make it for Islam to take hold in Japan. Having lived in Japan some time ago, I have a bit of personal insight to add. So before you consider packing up and running off to Japan, take note of the following:
Japan, a country keeping Islam at bay, Japan has put strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims. (Japan puts strict restriction on ALL foreigners, period)

a) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims. (Japan makes it exceeding difficult, if not nearly impossible, for any foreigner, Muslim or otherwise, to become a citizen)

b) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims. (Rarely, if ever given to any other foreigners either)

c) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan. (Not that I could find)

d) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught. (There is no ‘University of Japan,’ but there are many universities in Japan, one of which I attended. Back then, Arabic was not taught at Waseda Univ, but I doubt that is the case today in every university)

e) One cannot import Koran published in Arabic language. (False)

f) According to data published by Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 lakhs Muslims, who need to follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their religious rituals in their homes. (It is reported there are some 10,000+ Muslims in Japan, many are workers from Indonesia who have work visas and others are Japanese converts to Islam. Yes, all must follow Japanese laws)

g) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies of Islamic countries. (Absolutely not true. See list here: Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

h) Japanese people are not attracted to Islam at all. (Wrong, considering there are many Japanese converts to Islam)

i) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies. (Many are, but not all)

j) Even today visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies. (As stated before, working visas are hard to come by in Japan, but I am sure some have been issued to professionals listed above)

k) In the majority of companies, it is stated in their regulations that no Muslims should apply for a job. (Another point I find hard to believe)

l) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist and even in the era of globalization, they are not willing to change their Muslim laws. (Japan changes its laws for no one, Muslim or otherwise. All must obey Japanese laws)

m) Muslims can not even think about getting a rented house in Japan. (Preposterous)

n) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor is a Muslim then the whole neighborhood stays alert. (I have no idea how they come up with this information. The Japanese as a whole are very welcoming and friendly to foreigners living there)

o) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic Madarsa in Japan (There are several mosques in Japan)

p) There is no personal (Sharia) law in Japan. (True)

q) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim then she is considered an outcast forever. (In many Japanese families, a woman is an outcast for marrying any non-Japanese)

### End of my article ###

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