Our Universe is Bigger than Infinity

lord vishnu
Lord Vishnu
Photo Credit: God Wallpapers Blog

There are stars in our Universe so far away and receding so quickly away that their sparkle will never ever appear on any Earthly telescopic lens. Think about that. Even at the speed of light there is not enough time in infinity for the light from that star to reach us.

If the universe were merely infinite in size, the light from that star should reach us in an infinite number of seconds. In this regard, that star is more than infinitely distant from us. Therefore the Universe is bigger than infinity.

Before any of my readers dismiss the notion of anything bigger than infinity I point them to Cantor's theorem which proves that some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

It is Cantor's Theorem that I first encountered 49 years ago that really sealed it for me regarding my unbelief in God. One of the definitions of God include the notion of His infinitude. If God is infinite then there must be, by Cantor's Theorem, a greater God (see photo above), God2, more infinite than God and possibly the creator of God. But the definition of God does not allow a being more supreme than God. But if God is not the most supreme being than he isn't a supreme being.

While mathematics allows the idea of the existence of a higher being, it also allows the idea of a higher being above the higher being. If God exists, so does a higher being. See my problem?

Aside from the notion of a God bigger than God, there is the idea of God's omniscience which is impossible in this universe as I explained in my article Why I chose the name Planck`s Constant for my blog:

According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle the position and momenta of quantum particles cannot be determined beyond an accuracy smaller than a fixed fraction of Planck's constant. Thus God may either know a photon's position accurately but not its momentum or know its momentum accurately but not its position.

I assume for a moment that God made the universe and all the particles that comprise existence. If this is so, this is the property He gave them. Even He must obey the laws of physics that He created.

So, in addition to mathematics, the laws of physics prevent my mind from accepting God as currently defined by most monotheistic religions.

I understand that people thousands of years ago could not explain how life began and so created gods to explain the unexplainable. But I know how life began and therefore have no need for something else to explain it.

Actually, the idea of a merciful God is very difficult for me to understand. Recently a New York man was shot in the head and miraculously survived. He attributed his survival to God looking out for him. Actually, if God were really looking out for him he wouldn't have let him be shot in the first place.

I read this all the time, a women whose entire home was burnt to the ground but who escaped with only minor injuries thanks God for looking out for her. Hey, if an arsonist came and burnt my house to the ground while I was away on vacation, should I thank him for having the decency to do it while I was away from home? Really?

I am only human, but I believe I have more mercy and compassion in my heart than whoever created this world. If I were God, I certainly would not have permitted the existence of evil and murder and torture as we have now. If God is all powerful, he can make a world of peace and love. I would have, and I'm only human. If God is all powerful and he chose instead to put us in a world of pain, hatred, anger, savagery and barbarity, what does that say about Him?

When I look at the world we live in, it's better not to believe in God because if there is a God, based on what he has created on this planet, he is certainly one mean, nasty, unforgiving, vengeful, unmerciful, cruel, malignant, savage creature.

I need someone to explain to me why God is so great if I, a mere human, would create a better world were I God. Why, if God is the epitome of mercy and compassion, did he not create a world as good as I would make it?

### End of my article ###

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