13 Polish Born Nobel Prize Winners

Marie Curie
Marie Curie
Photo Credit: scientific-web

Now that I have almost 7 weeks of blogging under my belt, I feel bold enough to venture into the Thursday 13 meme which seems popular. The idea is to list 13 things of interest on any given Thursday.

This is my first Thursday 13 but I will not be doing this every week. Unfortunately, many bloggers feel compelled to concoct some list of 13 things every Thursday, even the most drearily commonplace of collections such as, "13 things in my pocket book," or "13 Photos of shirts I have worn," or even "13 Baby Foods in my Pantry."

Unless one of the items in my wallet is an autographed photo of Abraham Lincoln posing naked, I won't be subjecting my readers to 13 things in my wallet.

One of my abiding interests is Nobel Science Prize Winners. So to start off, here are 13 Nobel Scientific Prizes by Laureates born on ancient and modern Polish land (those with an asterisk are of Jewish descent as well):

  1. 1903 Maria SKLODOWSKA-CURIE Physics

  2. 1907 Albert Abraham MICHELSON* Physics

  3. 1911 Maria SKLODOWSKA-CURIE Chemistry

  4. 1920 Walther Hermann NERNST Chemistry

  5. 1944 Isidor Isaac RABI* Physics

  6. 1950 Tadeus REICHSTEIN* Medicine

  7. 1963 Maria GOEPPERT-MAYER* Physics

  8. 1977 Andrew V. SCHALLY* Medicine

  9. 1981 Roald HOFFMANN* Chemistry

  10. 1985 Klaus von KLITZING Physics

  11. 1992 Georges CHARPAK* Physics

  12. 1999 Günter BLOBEL Medicine

  13. 2007 Leonid HURWICZ*, Economics

For a more comprehensive list including winners of Peace or Literature Prizes see Polish Nobel Prize Laureates.

This has been a Thursday 13 post [#1] and is updated certain Thursdays.

### End of my article ###

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