More than 6 million Palestinians died since 2000

dead palestinians who were only minding their own business throwing Molotov cocktails at passing Israeli tanks

In an update of a two-year-old survey that sparked wide disagreement, Johns Hopkins researchers now estimate that more than a half-million Iraqis have died as a result of the U.S.-led invasion and its bloody aftermath.

Using the same methodology, that is, talking to locals instead of Hospitals and Morgues, Hassan Gotefakkir, Information Minister of the Palestinian National Authority, has calculated that over six million Palestinians have died since the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000. Indeed, Hassan is quoted as saying, "I personally have been to the funeral of Abu Moustash at least 8 times. If Abu would only stop falling out of the pall we could finally bury him." [See video especially at the 5:49 time mark.]

fatima at the red sea

Hassan also points out the plight of Fatima Araflat [also known as Flat Fatima], a refugee from Lebanon who lost over 32,000 relatives when 400 of her apartment buildings collapsed after Israeli shelling during the Lebanon- Israeli War. Fatima re-settled in the Gaza strip just this past month when she was witness to a horrific drowning of over 20,000 Palestinians caused by one Israelite with a hooked staff.

Hassan does admit that a very small percentage of the count may be slightly inaccurate. For example, Ahmed "2 fingers" Abadabba was blown up during a suicide bombing test and so far only two fingers have been recovered. There was much discussion whether each finger should be counted as a dead person. And there was also the case of Yusef Yusef Yusef, a sufferer of echolalia, who when he was shot, shouted, "I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm dead!" Unfortunately he was recorded dead 15 times by a mortician who suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder.

Ah! But these are only small irregularities. Hassan has not relied solely on personal testimony when arriving at this number of 6 million. "We also have scientific evidence. For example, it takes about 6 burials before a shovel breaks. In 2005 alone we have used up over 166,000 shovels. That is 1,000,000 Palestinian Martyrs in one year alone. Or as we like to say, 72 million Virgins had their loins parted that year." A short observation: it is entirely possible that the Palestinian National Authority actually bought this number of shovels since the US and Europe gave over 1 billion dollars in aid to the Palestinians in 2005 alone.

Other experts in the field of anatomical forensics, such as Dr. Mahmood Ahmadinezhad, a member of the Central Council of the Islamic Society of Engineers said, "Any one who doubts the Palestinian Holocaust is a blasphemer and racist. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable.."

When is was pointed out by a reporter from Planck's Constant that the total Palestinian population in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel proper was never more than 5.3 million, Dr. Ahmadinezhad retorted, "Only an asshole would not believe 6 million could die in less than 6 years, and I should know, I have seen many an asshole"

Mahmood Ahmadinezhad at prayer

Others blogging about it:

webloggin [defunct blog],
Another Blow to the "Life Was Better under Saddam" Meme

Unfortunately this canard ignores another 1 to 3 million deaths that are reported to be attributed to the reign of Saddam Hussein. Even if the United States didn’t do anything before, we have a President who actually did something now; and that is the rub. The one U.S. President who lifted a finger to remove the treacherous Butcher of Baghdad from power had the unfortunate audacity to be a Republican with the initials GW Bush. That is enough to make old time Iraq good enough for those who play the Iraq was better under Saddam game.

gateway pundit, New Liberal Death Count Claims 770 Violent Iraqi Deaths Daily!!

This latest Lancet Study released today claims that 555,000 Iraqis have died in the last two years since their last controversial study! That comes to around 770 violent Iraqi deaths each day on average!!! So, does this mean all of those headlines of 18 or 30 deaths were off by 700 or so?

point five [defunct blog],
Lancet: Average Iraqi Male Wields 13 Foot Penis

But it’s penile length where the Iraqi male really stands apart from world standards. Far exceeding the average erect length of 5.35 inches, the Iraqi male reports an average erect length of an impressive 13 feet, long enough to set– or disarm– roadside bombs from a safe distance.

### End of my article ###

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