Muslims are Like Uranium 235

Contrary to popular notions Uranium 235, which was used in the Little Boy atomic bomb which we dropped on Hiroshima, is relatively stable having a half-life of more than 700 million years. One can sling around a few milligrams of the substance without worry or concern of an atomic explosion. But put a critical mass of the stuff together and initiate a chain reaction and within the blink of an eye we can generate the explosive force of more than 13,000 tons of TNT.

Now around 0.72% of all natural uranium is uranium-235, the rest is mostly the quite safe uranium-238 which occurs in rather large quantities in nature. The price for a pound of Uranium (in the form of yellow-cake) a few years ago was only about ten bucks a pound. It has recently spiked due to speculators riding the commodity boom of gold and platinum this past year and so reaching a high of 90 bucks a pound [Herald Tribune Business].

Muslims occur in great quantities in nature as well, which this past year has seen the global Islamic population passing the 25% mark and in March of this year the number of Muslims has overtaken the number of Roman Catholics in the world according to a Vatican official.

It is obvious to anyone with a slide rule that 99.99% of Muslims are kind, good-hearted gentle souls who want nothing but to live in peace and harmony with the world and to have a happy and prosperous family life [this still leaves about 150,000 crazed Jihadists]. The problem lies in critical mass: when there are too many Muslims in an area, 0.01% of that population is a highly agitated mass that finds a safe haven in large communities in which to ferment and turn into fissile matter.

I have written quite often that the bulk of Muslims living in their own communities in the West are not any threat per se, but rather the threat is that terrorists are harbored in those communities, that extremists use the large number of Muslims in an area as a hammer to force concessions and "accommodations." If there is only a single Muslim living in Podunk, Connecticut and making violent threats to the local school board or business then he will assuredly be arrested and imprisoned thereby removing any fear of burning/torturing/killing. But add a few Muslims into the same town and you will find that, without directly threatening violence, they will ask for and get concessions precisely because the local citizenry do not know which of the Muslims will actually engage in violence. After all, it is one thing to arrest a single Muslim, but currently under American law (although that will change in time) it is illegal to arrest an entire community of Muslims even if the infidel population feels threatened by them.

Like U-235, when the Muslim population reaches a critical mass, it will be impossible to halt the expansion and the result will be catastrophic.

If Muslims denied safe haven to extremists in their midst, if they reported every single anti-American rant of their Imams in Mosques, if they withdrew their children from Saudi-financed Jihadi training schools (Madrasahs) in protest against the violence and bigotry taught in them, if Muslims living in the West would only forswear the primitive, barbaric, and savage customs of their home cultures (such as Honor Killings, revenge rapes, vaginal mutilations) then Muslims in any number would be welcome in this country.

Until then, please do not give the multicultural, liberal, seemingly tolerant excuse that since most Muslims are not actively burning down the local library or museum that somehow we should tolerate them in large numbers. It is precisely their large numbers that makes possible the violence of the few U-235s in their midst.

So while 99.99% of men are, in normal circumstances, gentle souls, one should not tolerate any of them joining a lynch-mob any more than one should allow normally decent men or women from joining the faux-religion of Islam, which is this planet's largest cultural lynch-mob. Don't believe it? Yell "Mohamed sucks" at a Muslim gathering in Trafalgar Square. And don't give me the nonsense that it is dangerous to yell "Jesus Sucks" in Times Square. I've heard it and nothing happened. The moron was completely ignored.

### End of my article ###

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