13 Images of Islamic Erotica

Mohammed never said, "Do not draw images of naked women." But he also did not say, "Do not stick your penis into any of your goats." So while there is no specific injunction against either, both are looked down upon, the former more than the latter.

In regard to images of naked women, the general opinion of the ulema is that notwithstanding the Qur'an's silence on the matter, such art is forbidden on the grounds that it may incite thoughts that will arouse sexual feelings.

Just as there are Muslims who have been naughty with goats, so too are there Muslims who have been naughty in drawing dirty pictures.

Here follows 13 images of Islamic Erotica although by Western Standards they are quite tame. Despite that, one should not forget that if these same artists were to make these drawings in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia they would find that they would soon have to learn how to draw with one hand - if they were not outright murdered.

Click on any panel for larger image.

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Center: God Is Great by Makan Emadi

Clockwise starting from the upper-left:
Ms. April by Makan Emadi
Ms. May by Makan Emadi
Ms. June by Makan Emadi
Ms. October by Makan Emadi
Women of my homeland victims of: Traditional Oppression by Amir Normandi
Women of my homeland victims of: Holy Discrimination by Amir Normandi
Zaynab Sisters by Amir Normandi
Defiance in Red Burqa by Amir Normandi
Title Unknown by Amir Normandi
Women of my homeland in: Traditional Compulsion by Amir Normandi
Women of my homeland in: Reluctant Accessory by Amir Normandi
Virgin by Makan Emadi

This has been a Thursday 13 post [# 70] and is updated on some Thursdays.

Mosaic made with Mosaic Maker

Some of the images taken from The Daily Beast.

### End of my article ###

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