Gawker Proves that Nazis Were No Threat to the World

In response to Newsweek's 24 Sep 2012 cover story about violent anti-American protests (1) offered us 13 images of peaceful Muslims thereby proving that 0.0000008667% of the world's Muslims are actually peaceful.

Max Read, the author of the absurd piece, believes that Muslims are no threat because he found 13 photos of peaceful Muslims. Listen, Max my poor logic-befuddled idiot, you can show photos of 1.5 billion happy, peaceful, seemingly-non-threatening Muslims and you prove nothing. In my article Were All Nazis Evil?, I had this photo of a rather avuncular, harmless-looking fellow holding flowers and hugging children. What could be more peaceful? The truth is, 90% of Nazis never killed anyone, never shot a gun, and were not at all extremists. But that does not mean Nazi ideology was not dangerous.

Likewise, about 7% of Muslims, or only 100 million, hold militant, extremist views that threaten western civilization. But that does not mean Newsweek's cover misrepresented the threat that Islam poses to civilized humanity. Pictures from the 1930s showing happy, dancing, singing Nazis such as this one:

happy, dancing, singing Nazis
Happy, Dancing, Singing Nazis
Photo Credit:

is no different than this one of happy, dancing, singing Muslims:

happy, dancing, singing Muslims
Happy, Dancing, Singing Muslims
Photo Credit: Thunderstone

Now, Max, don't you feel silly?


(1):, 17 Sep 2012, 13 Powerful Images of Muslim Rage

newsweek muslim rage
Photo Credit:
"MUSLIM RAGE," screams Newsweek's new cover story about last week's violent anti-American protests. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the well-known anti-Islam activist, is here to tell "us" (The_West) how to "end it." And it's true, isn't it? All Muslims are constantly raging about everything. So to pay tribute to Ali's article — which describes the protesters as "the mainstream of contemporary Islam" — and the subtle, smart cover that accompanies it, we've collected 13 striking, powerful images of MUSLIM RAGE.

[then follows 13 photos of peaceful Muslims going about their business without rage]

### End of my article ###

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