Vetting Syrian Refugees or Looking Into Their Hearts Will Not Make Us Safe

Syrian Refugees
Syrian Refugees
Photo Credit: RedState

Sadly most Americans do not realize that we are at war. What war, you ask? World War III - the War with Islam. That's right, we are at War with Islam. In the past when we were at war, we were very careful about the kind of people we allowed into our country. If Obama were President during the Cold War, he would have opened our borders to an unlimited influx of Communists into the U.S. Denying entry to those who mean us harm is wrong, after all, "That’s not who we are."

So now our great leader wants us to welcome with open arms and blind-eyes, these poor 3-year-old orphans and widows from Syria. See the photo of Syrian refugees above? Mostly orphans and widows? Well, according to our State Department Only 2% Of Syrian Refugees In U.S. Are Military-Aged Men With No Family.

However, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees informs us that over 62% of all Syrian “refugees” are military age males.

Whom should we believe, our government led by a person who couldn't care less if the US were overrun by Muslims, or the UN who doesn't have a camel in this race?

As for vetting asylum seekers from Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries know that it impossible to know what is in the heart of any refugee and so refuse to take them in.

The best and most thorough vetting will not make us safe. Even if we had screeners who could read minds, that would only be valid for that short instant. As I wrote in my article Spartans Bad - Muslims Good: "[A] moderate Muslim is someone who has not yet spontaneously erupted into SJS (Sudden Jihad Syndrome)."

Years before the Boston Marathon Bombings, the Tsarnaev brothers legally came to the United States under an asylum petition in 2002. I have no doubt that if at that time we could have looked directly into either brother's heart, we would have found no enmity toward the United States, no plots to kill Americans, no urge to Jihad. But they're Muslims and so it doesn't matter that they harbored no ill will toward infidels early in life. One day we see them as moderate Muslims, a different day they come into view as crazed killers of unbelievers.

This does not happen to Christians or Jews who one day decide to make the whole world one religion through murder and barbarism.

Unless of course, those Christians or Jews convert to Islam.

### End of my article ###

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